Boost your Shopify e-Store Sales with WhatsApp API

  • Send Abandoned Cart Notifications to Customers to intimate pending purchases

  • Update Customers on placed order, like COD confimation, delivery, cancellation, & more

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Cunnekt’s Clients across the Globe

Grow your market presence like these Brands using Cunnekt

Automate Customer Notifications on WhatsApp

Integrating Cunnekt APIs with your Shopify e-stores to auto-send WhatsApp notifications on orders placed at your Shopify e-store

abandoned carts notifications

Notify customers to place orders for products abandoned in their carts

cash-on delivery order confirmation

Ask customers to confirm the cash-on-delivery mode of payment

convey order placement

Convey customers that their order has been succesfully placed with the store

Intimate order cancellation

Intimate customers that the placed order is not present in the stocks at the distribution facility

confimation order fulfillment

Notify customers of the succesful dispatch of their order from the distribution facility

what's more on cunnekt

Platform Features

Multi Agent Chat CRM

Provide Instant Customer Support through WhatsApp

Marketing Campaigns

Send promotional messages, sales offers, & product recommendations to customers to in bulk

Chatbot Automation

Use ChatBots to hundle common customer queries & reserve your Agent Support Services for complex issues

Make your Shopify e-store into a Global Brand on WhatsApp

  • Get a green tick for the WhatsApp Account of your Shopify e-store

  • Project your e-Store as an Elite Brand on WhatsApp

  • Leverage extensive User Base of WhatsApp to reach out to global

Avail of the said benefits by purchasing

A monthly plan at cunnekt

Our Plan Starts at just INR 899/month

Get a 10% discount by opting for Annual Subscription of Cunnekt's Platform

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WhatsApp Experts

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